In October 2024, the MAKO TSL team began their journey in the Tricity Football League (PL3). The first round was played on grass fields, while the second took place indoors. After these two rounds, we have achieved our first success – a silver medal in the indoor league!
Latest entries
What Does the Job of a Freight Forwarder Look Like in a Modern Transport Company in 2025?
The freight forwarder’s job in 2025 is dynamic, demanding, and highly rewarding. With technological advancements and globalization of the transport market, this role has become more complex.
Legal Changes in Road Transport in the European Union in 2025 and Their Impact on the TSL Sector
The year 2025 marks another year of significant regulatory changes in road transport across Europe, impacting companies in the TSL industry. As a leader in the light transport sector, MAKO TSL closely monitors all regulatory changes and analyzes their implications.
Merry Christmas and smooth journeys ahead!
Here’s to a New Year filled with green lights on a road to success!
The Sports Spirit of MAKO TSL – How We Support Our Employees’ Passion for Sports
At MAKO TSL, we know that sports are more than a hobby – they’re a way of life that fosters resilience, promotes healthy competition, and builds a cohesive team. The passion for physical activity brings our employees together and is a significant part of our company culture.
6 Benefits of Participating in Industry Trade Fairs
Participation in industry trade fairs is a common element of the marketing and sales strategy for many companies across various sectors, including the transport industry. Trade fairs offer a unique opportunity to network, showcase services, and gain valuable market insights.
How to Effectively Plan Transport for the Winter Season?
Winter is a unique time in the transport industry, not just during the pre-holiday period. The increasing demand for goods transportation, driven by rising sales and consumption during the holiday season at the end of the year, limits vehicle availability.
What can we expect from the road transport market in the second half of 2024?
The road transport market, both in Poland and globally, is undergoing dynamic changes in the second half of 2024 due to global megatrends, regulatory changes, and increasing social and environmental expectations. The industry is being shaped by both economic factors and the development of new technologies.
Cabotage: A Key Element of Efficiency in Road Transport
In the world of logistics and freight forwarding, cabotage is gaining significance, especially in the context of globalization and increasing competition. For our freight forwarding company, MAKO TSL, understanding and effectively managing cabotage is not only important but crucial to optimizing transport operations.
Types of insurance in road transport: Does OCP protect your interests?
International road transport plays a crucial role in the global supply chain. The risks associated with it make proper insurance an essential element of any logistics company’s operations.
Safety of Goods in International Road Transport
At MAKO TSL, we know that two key components for effective freight transport are time and safety. That is why we employ the latest cargo securing techniques and have a broad, flexible fleet ready to handle even the most complex transport projects.
The 2024 Paris Olympics: A Major Disruption for Road Freight Transport
The 2024 Paris Olympics will have a significant impact not only on the daily lives of residents but also on the economy, including freight transport.
Spring sports challenge… beaten!
Sport is firmly sewn into the culture of MAKO TSL, and healthy competition is in our blood. Further proof is the Spring Sports Challenge, which has successfully engaged many of our employees for the third consecutive year.
International forwarding
As explained in the last entry, forwarding mainly encompasses organizing transport for the movement of goods.
Transport, shipping and logistics – what’s the difference?
Transport, shipping, logistics – these three words usually appear together in a sentence, describing one of the most important elements of a country’s economy.